The Power of One

Rose Kumar M.D.
2 min readNov 10, 2016


Yesterday was a particularly inspiring day at work.

Many of my patients were shocked and devastated by the election results.

I felt emotionally neutral, to my surprise.

This is a place where I find myself arriving at more and more as I am aging.

All of the unfolding events in our world and in our country feel very precise.

Carl Jung said, “What is not brought to consciousness comes to us as fate”.

I am accepting this fate we have created and am looking deep and hard at the work inside of myself that is at hand.

If I don’t like what is happening outside of me, all I can do is look within and dedicate myself to my inner work as the outer is a reflection of the inner.

In the past few weeks/months, I have felt like more and more like a ‘beginner’. I feel like I have so much to learn, so much to do to integrate myself as a ‘grandmother’, as an ‘elder’, which I have been called to become with my age and position in my family since my mother’s death.

I feel more and more that what we see in the world is a mirror of our collective consciousness.
If we don’t like what we see, we need to explore how this is a reflection of our shadow and transform.
The only way we can change this is by working with our shadow and being honest with our relationship to it and dedicating ourselves to our inner work and inner world.

If you don’t like what happened in our country on Tuesday, take heart, and get to work on raising your consciousness through exploring your inner life. My book, Becoming Real is all about this.
You will add the the collective this way and eventually experience the outcome you desire.

If you like what happened, it is time to go deeper and mature into your inner wisdom and shift your perception of reality so you can look at the world with deeper eyes and from a deeper place within. You may have to consider what you have normalized or adapted to and connect with your authenticity more and more each day.

Either way, there are lessons here, very personal lessons that can add richness and value to our lives and the collective.

Yes, there is great power in consciousness.

The Power of One is what we need to remember.

Sometimes unexpected results are what necessitate awakening.

Embrace the path wisdom and the process of behaving it.

We can all find meaning in that.



Rose Kumar M.D.

medical physician entrepreneur dedicated to preserving the sanctity of Medicine, transforming healthcare and writing about it